

Paul Flynn: Exclude Azerbaijan from the Council of Europe

  Today Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution on "The crisis of democracy and the role of government in modern Europe" based on the report from the Swiss deputy, Andreas Gross. The author believes that the economic crisis in Europe has exacerbated public distrust of democracy. "In a broad sense, this was due to serious shortcomings in the functioning of democratic institutions, which have not been able to prevent, quickly and adequately respond to new challenges," Gross said. In his view, the basic idea of democracy is the control of society over the power and promise of a fair distribution of life chances.
     The report noted that a number of CE member countries are still under the monitoring of its obligations: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan.
     The report highlighted the role of independent media in ensuring democracy, an important institution, which provides control over actions of the government. It points to the inadmissibility of the monopolies in the media that take place in several countries of the Council of Europe.


Рубен Галчян: “Мифологизация истории: Азербайджан, Армения, вымыслы и факты”

   Книга “Мифологизация истории: Азербайджан, Армения, вымыслы и факты” является контрударом по антиармянской пропаганде Азербайджана, сказал в четверг журналистам сам автор, бывший Почетный консул Армении в Лондоне, картограф Рубен Галчян.

Презентация перевода книги на армянский и русский языки состоялась в четверг в Ереване. Первое издание книги вышло на английском языке в 2009 году и представляет собой антиармянские измышления и фальсификации, напечатанные в азербайджанской прессе и изданные отдельными трудами за последние 50 лет.